My Feminism
If when I tell you misogyny exists you retort so does misandry; if when I tell you I get groped in bars you tell me it's because of how I look; if when I call you out on defending a convicted rapist you go on to make a rape joke you are the reason I'm a feminist.
A lot of people, men and women, seem to have totally missed the point of feminism. The number of women who have said to me "but I don't hate men", well good on you for not being a misandrist, neither am I. I'm a feminist. The terms aren't synonyms. Neither is crazy bitch.
It is not crazy to want to be treated as an equal. It is not crazy to want my opinion to be respected regardless of gender. It is not crazy to want the right to wear what I want without fear.
When I am telling you that getting groped, having men push themselves against you, being told "You know you want it" (Cheers for that one Robin) is a common occurrence for a lot of women, just listen. Don't try and belittle it or compare it, don't tell me I'm over sensitive or exaggerating because I'm not. This stuff happens all the time. This and worse. I don't want your sympathy. I just want you to listen.
The examples on #YesAllWomen are true for a huge majority of women. I could have retweeted hundreds of them because they are the truth as I know it. The sad realisation that so much of this stuff we just consider normal. It was tough, really tough but also cathartic. People jumping in to tell us that we are wrong, it isn't that bad, it's not all men completely missed the point. We know it's not all men, but it is too many.
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