How Many Is Too Many?
I know I have a problem. I've always known. I think it must be in my genes because my mother has the same problem. We just cannot resist new shoes.
There is something special about new shoes. Not comfortable, sensible shoes, but really nice, normally expensive, often with skyscraper heels, beautiful shoes. That feeling when you first slip your foot into it and it feels like home; you must have those shoes, they were destined to be yours. It's a bit like an addiction.
But shoes are essential. We must have shoes. So how many shoes do we need? Some would argue two; one for each foot, and they would have a valid arguement. However wearing trainers to the office or heels to the gym is just not practical, so having different shoes for different occasions makes sense, but how many is too many?
This is the bit where I have to confess. I currently own 84 pairs of shoes. I think most people would call that excessive, but I need all of them. I've just been very good and taken three black bags of shoes to the charity shop, I've only kept the ones that I absolutely need.
Told you I have a problem.
never too many!! Although I do inherit the genes!