Moldovan Hanging Baskets and Tribute Acts
Now this topic may be slightly last week, but I thought I should explain the 'Moldovaness' in my bio. For about a week either side of the Eurovision Song Contest I became ever so slightly obsessed with the Moldova entry, thanks to @StuartJHarper (who also happens to be a Serie A Z-list celeb, but more of that later). I may have consumed a few too many glasses of wine when he suggested I download the Moldovan Eurovision entry by Zdob Si Zdub, but hey it was only 99p, and our friendship is hopefully worth more than that.
We were not only determined that everyone should vote Moldova to win, and to be fair they were the only ones with the exception of Jedward that truly embraced the crazy, wacky spirit of Eurovision that is what makes it what it is, or was at least, but were also determined to spread the love for the 4ft conical hat.
It may not seem totally practical at first glance (we certainly decided it would not be advisable to wear one on a bouncy castle) but as Stuart pointed out, there are a multitude of uses for said hat once our working mens' club touring tribute act was abandoned because I had fallen off my unicycle once too often, even with stabilisers. Not least of which was to use the upturned hat as a very expensive looking sculptural hanging basket, which is where mine is currently residing waiting for the primulas to flower. I'm the envy of all the neighbours.
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